Category: General

Hold the date for our Advent Mass on Dec. 11

Please mark your calendars and hold the date for December 11th.  St. Clement will be celebrating Advent Mass at 7:00 p.m. at St. Peter’s Parish.  The Primary Division will be leading the Mass, however the Mass is for the entire school community.  Following the Mass, refreshments (courtesy of Catholic School Council Fundraising) will be provided.  We look forward to seeing everyone there.

Hot Lunches and Inclement Weather

Hot Lunches and Inclement Weather

Please note that ALL Hot Lunches will be cancelled by the providers on Inclement weather days (when school buses are cancelled). If you choose to send your child to school on an Inclement Weather Day—you must provide your child with a lunch from home.

Inclement Weather Procedures

Inclement Weather Procedures To ensure the safety of students, school bus service may be cancelled from time to time due to inclement weather, extreme temperatures and/or poor road conditions. In these cases, parents/guardians and students should develop alternate care/transportation arrangements. Cancellation decisions will be made by 6:00a.m. Cancellation decisions will only be made after thorough consultation with the Safety Officers of school bus companies servicing ... Continue reading "Inclement Weather Procedures"

Winter Weather and Recesses

Winter Weather and Recesses It is very important that students have the opportunity to play outside and to be warm while they play. Students will be outside for both 15-minute recesses and the 40-minute lunch recess during the winter, weather permitting. We check the weather station at frequent intervals throughout the day and adhere to Board Policy #221. The following temperature guidelines were reviewed and ... Continue reading "Winter Weather and Recesses"

Holy Cross Catholic Academy Open House

The following is an invitation from HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC ACADEMY! The Holy Cross school community extends an invitation to Grade 7 and 8 students and parents to attend their annual Open House on Tuesday, November 20th, beginning at 7:00pm. They look forward to meeting and interacting with interested parents and students. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the vast spectrum of academic programming ... Continue reading "Holy Cross Catholic Academy Open House"