Category: General

SCT Catholic School Council

I would like to take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to all of the parents who have volunteered to be a part of our 2022-2023 Catholic School Council.  We cannot emphasize the importance of this learning partnership enough.

Voting this year will be face-to-face, as in pre-pandemic years.

Our acclaimed CSC members will select our executive position. Only ... Continue reading "SCT Catholic School Council"

SCT Curriculum Night Open House

We hope you will join us for our Curriculum Night Open House.  It will be an opportunity not only to meet your child’s teacher in their classrooms, but to hear about your child’s program and expectations for the year.

We look forward to seeing you.

Terry Fox School Walk

St. Clement Catholic Elementary School is proud to once again be participating in the Terry Fox School Walk.  This event will support cancer research while also building incredible school spirit for our students.  Let’s show the great strength and resiliency of our school community with your support of one of our greatest Canadian heroes, Terry Fox.

Thank you in advance for ... Continue reading "Terry Fox School Walk"

St. Clement’s Family Christmas Event

We are extremely excited to have our Catholic School Council host this evening’s Family Christmas Virtual Event!  We are anticipating a Night of Celebration, Fun and Excitement filled with Christmas Carols, Activities/Games & Prizes.  We will also be announcing our Gingerbread Contest winners.  Wear your Christmas Sweater, bring your sleeping bags, blankets and prepare to watch and celebrate.  We may also have a very
... Continue reading "St. Clement’s Family Christmas Event"