
News Stories

Catholic School Council June 17 Meeting

Dear Parents/Guardians,

A final school council meeting will be held Virtually on June 17 at 7:00 p.m.  for Elected Council Members.  The meeting will be live streamed for anyone who would like to view the meeting.

Thank you and see you on June 17th

Mrs. Provato



Retrieval of personal belongings from the school

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope that you and your family are doing well and keeping safe.  As we prepare for the wrap up of the school year, we have arranged for parents to come to the school on June 18 to retrieve your child’s personal belongings.  Please see the attached schedule and instructions.

Thank you and keep safe,

Mrs. Provato ... Continue reading "Retrieval of personal belongings from the school"

St. Clement Students Send Messages of Hope and Love

St. Clement students are sending messages of hope and love to a local Senior’s Residence and their school community through their colourful and inspirational artwork, encouraging everyone to be courageous.   They want Seniors and everyone who is staying at home to know  that although they may be missing  their family and loved ones  that they are loved and not alone.

... Continue reading "St. Clement Students Send Messages of Hope and Love"

Catholic Education Week – Province Wide Virtual Mass – May 6th

On May 6th at 10:00 a.m. his Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins will be celebrating the Catholic Education Mass.  All students, families, staff, Trustees and the broader CAtholic community are invited to participate virtually.  You can join in this celebration of the Eucharist by clicking on the link at the scheduled time:


... Continue reading "Catholic Education Week – Province Wide Virtual Mass – May 6th"